Monday, March 12, 2007


Once, a deer on flight from a hunter, out-ran him for a long long distance to take refuge in a big lake, and an interaction with two crows high up on a tree, resulted in a staunch alliance.

And one day, finding that the animal did not return for a dangerously long time, the alarmed crows flew hither and thither in search of their friend.

Ultimately, they discovered the deer trapped by a net, with the prospect of the forest-hunter's return any moment.

The crows hit upon on an idea and advised the animal to pretend a death that occured a long while ago, enacting the tell-tale signs and symptoms of a dead animal : fixed stare, stiffly out-stretched feet, etc. And the crows began pretending to be feeding on the eyes, etc., of the 'dead' deer.

The hunter came and duly turned away in despair', away from the "carcass', along with his net.

"Clever friends can save one's own life indeed!"

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